Starting in 2011 many of Veronica’s books will be published in electronic format. They are available in Kindle format from Amazon.
Early Crime Novels
Out as eBooks soon are the following, previously published, crime novels:
Historical Fiction
The following books from my back catalogue are available as eBooks:
Longsword – Electronic Book
(Kindle UK<!–/US –>)
(Kindle UK<!–/US –>)

(Kindle UK<!–/US –>)

Unsung Heroes
A collection of short stories, including three featuring Ellie Quicke.
Available on Kindle from Amazon UK and US.
The Abbot Agency Series
False Charity – book 1
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Picture – book 2
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Step – book 3
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Pretences – book 4
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Money – book 5
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Report – book 6
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Alarm – book 7
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Diamond – book 8
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
False Impression – book 9
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US)
The Ellie Quicke Mysteries
Murder at the Altar – book 1
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder by Suicide – book 2
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder of Innocence – book 3
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder by Accident – book 4
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder in the Garden – book 5
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder by Committee – book 6
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder by Bicycle – book 7
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder of Identity – book 8
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder in The Park – book 9
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder in House – book 10
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder by Mistake – book 11
Story info. Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Murder My Neighbour – book 12
Story info. eBook ISBN 978-1-78010-080-7
(Amazon Kindle Store UK/US
Click here for the remaining books in the series, available for Kindle.
The Eden Hall Series
The complete Eden Hall series is available as Kindle books.
Eden Hall – book 1
At 24 years of age, she’s beginning to guess at a secret that was hidden from her as a child. The fate of many people depends on what she will do with it.
At the age of four, Araminta “Minty” Cardale was banished from Eden Hall on the wings of a scandal. Twenty years later she returns to see her dying father – only to be rejected by her family once again.
Finding somewhere to live and work in the village at the gates of Eden Hall, Minty begins to learn the truth about her father and her long-dead mother. She has yet to understand the threat she represents to family members who care only for money, power, and self-advancement, or the hope she offers to the community she is growing to love. And there are some who will do anything to prevent her finding out until it’s too late.
Thankfully, Minty has friends to stand by her and, in this modern Cinderella story, an unlikely and unpredictable champion. At stake are the soul of her father on his deathbed—and the future of the entire village.
Zondervan Paperback ISBN 0-310-24963-5 (out of print)
Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Lady of the Hall
Inheriting beautiful Eden Hall brings Araminta ‘Minty’ Cardale a host of problems.
With quiet determination she embraces her new role as Lady of the Hall, working hard to keep the struggling Hall open to the public, and to continue the charitable foundation her father established. But her resentful stepfamily fight her at every turn, and some of the staff at the Hall are up to no good.
As the hostility mounts, Minty seeks refuge in the love of her childhood sweetheart, Patrick, only to discover that even his support is threatened by her conniving stepfamily.
Will Minty’s family – and the burden of so many unforgiven hurts – destroy her and any chance she has for love and happiness?
Electronic Book
(Buy for Kindle)
Secret of the Hall
Still grieving after a tragic miscarriage, Minty returns to Eden Hall…to find herself refused entry!
Minty’s husband Patrick has urgent problems of his own to deal with, so she has to tackle the situation herself.
Minty discovers that a new and over-confident Administrator has arranged for a nationally advertised music festival to take place in the grounds and that the charismatic lead singer, Maxine, has taken over the Hall and intends to stay there! Minty’s closest friends hint that something unspeakable is happening there, but cannot – or dare not – say what it is. Evil seems to be creeping around and through the village, and those who dare to speak out, suffer for it.
Has Maxine spread tendrils of corruption and evil into the very heart of the Hall? And if so, how can Minty – without even a place to lay her head at night – penetrate the defences which have been put up to keep her and others out of the grounds, and discover the Secret of the Hall?
Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US
Master of the Hall
Betrayal lurks at Eden Hall.
Eden Hall, the ancient English stately home, has brought Araminta “Minty” Sands more joy—and heartache—than she could ever have imagined. She’s worked hard to keep it open to the public; but, exhausted from looking after the twins, Minty has no energy to maintain the Hall as she once did. Worn out, fearing another trouble-filled pregnancy, she’s also pushed her husband, Patrick, away physically and emotionally. And now, her old enemy has returned: Judith Kent, who was once known worldwide as Maxine, an amoral rock star. Claiming to be reformed, Judith begs Minty for a job. Against her better judgment, Minty agrees.
Then, with Patrick in Brussels on urgent business, mysterious “accidents” begin to happen, endangering Minty and her twins. When a horrifying secret surfaces —one that, if made public, could destroy the Hall and everything she has worked for—Minty realizes time is running out. Has Judith really turned her life over to God, or is she plotting to take over everything Minty has—including Patrick?
Electronic Book
(Kindle UK/US