Thought for the Month

Thought for the Month August

REMEMBER in August

Praise God for the blessings that prayer brings to us. Praise
Him in the mornings, at noon and at night. However busy you
are, an arrow prayer to God can never fail to hit the target,
and praise is the first message to send.
Rejoice that Jesus Christ is never too busy to listen to our
prayers, however hurried and rushed we are when we make
them. Thank the Holy Spirit, who prompts us and guides us
through the busy-ness of our daily lives. Remember that
praise helps us to focus and pray best, setting us in the right
relation to God. Praise Him with all your might.
Thank Him for His constant care of us, however little we
deserve it, and however little time we spend talking to Him.
Ask Him to help us find more time in our daily lives to pray
and to read the Bible. Remember that we can pray wherever
we are, whatever we happen to be doing…on the bus,
walking along the street, waiting for a phone call.
Ask Him for the wisdom to pray for the things He knows
are best for us, for our family and our friends. Ask Him
to help us to use our time aright. Remember that even
in the busiest parts of the day, He is always thinking
of us, and ready to listen to what we have to say.
Praise Him for the blessings that prayer brings to us this
day and every day. Amen.


We all need occasional quiet times in which to
reflect on what we are doing and the way ahead –
or, in modern jargon, we need to ‘chill out’ a little.
Jesus, too, needed those times, and understands
when we feel we must stand apart and consider
the future and how we should proceed, particularly
in our spiritual lives. We must not feel guilty when
we pause in our everyday lives to think things
through, but be guided by His teachings.


In the quietness which is your gift at the day’s end
O Father, draw near to all who have special need of
you this night. Sustain and strengthen us in the
tasks that will fall to us tomorrow, while at the same
time we give thanks to You for all the help you have
given us this day that has just passed.
Let your rich blessing be ours this night, and let your
blessing also fall on our families and friends whom
we love, and upon those for whom we pray day by day.
Give unto our hearts that peace which passes all
understanding. Amen


Lord, you are my example. You have given me every
opportunity to read your word and to live up to it.
Your life was full of events while you lived on earth,
but you found time to be alone in prayer early in the
mornings, and you took time out to be alone with
your disciples.
Those times refreshed you in the midst of your busy life.
Help me, Lord, to take time out to be in your presence,
and also to take time out to rest from all the cares of my
daily work, so that I will return to my daily tasks
refreshed and filled with your Spirit. Amen.
© Pitshanger Prayer Group.
Grant us grace, Almighty Father,
So to pray as to deserve to be heard.
Jane Austen 1775-1817
Read more about taking time out:
Rest on Sundays……………………Exodus 20 v 10
Come to me and rest……………….Matthew 11 v 28-30
Jesus suggests they rest……………Mark 6 v 31
Jesus goes alone to pray……………Luke 9 v 18